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Our brand new comprehensive Training Journey: PERFECT COMPANION PROGRAMME offers classes for all ages & training levels. We want to help you get that dog you are proud of, hear comments like “what a well behaved dog” & a dog you can take anywhere. The BRONZE option allows you to dip in & out of class courses when your schedule allows.  

Newbie Options include:

NURSERY: START HERE: Be Prepared (Pre Pup Consult.) *FREE* Book a call today

1. PRESCHOOL 2 week Puppy Socialisastion & life skills course 16 weeks & below (Nursery)

2. PUPPY PRIMARY SCHOOL (LOWER) 4 week Puppy School 

4. SECONDARY ENTRY LEVEL 2 week Focus & Engagement 

5. DOG SECONDARY  SCHOOL (LOWER) 4 week Dog School 

Email [email protected] for more details


To enquire about booking this service please send an email using the button below.